Tuesday, March 21, 2006 

Pants for Real People

Pati Palmer and Marta Alto

I hate buying pants because they nevernevernever fit. So I make my own.


The Client

John Grisham

Seen the movie but never read the book until now.


The Broker

The Broker

John Grisham

I love finding John Grisham paperbacks that I haven't read before.

Friday, March 03, 2006 

The Sidetracked Sisters Happiness File

Pam Young and Peggy Jones

My all-time favorite Pam and Peggy book.


The Phony Gourmet

Pam Young and Peggy Jones

Pam and Peggy share their cooking secrets with their original humor and style.


Get Your Act Together

Pam Young and Peggy Jones

Pam and Peggy share insights on getting your act together:


The Sidetracked Sisters Catch Up on the Kitchen

Pam Young and Peggy Jones

Another Pam Young and Peggy Jones classic.


Sidetracked Home Executives

Pam Young and Peggy Jones.

These two sisters have been a wonderful influence on me from the first time I read this book in 1983. I have learned, and continue to learn so much from them.